Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Post

I was looking (and if I didn't look hard enough tell me) at fire blogs and I didn't really come across one that told the story of volunteer firefighters; the joys of the job(firefighting), the hassles from the boss (what pays the bills), and the tears (from the wife, kids etc.)

I will try to keep my words as clean as I can, but I may get fired up from time to time.  One thing you will know is that I will be writing on real life...sometimes it's not all that pretty.

I guess I should maybe write a little bio about myself, a short blurb, that may give an indication as to who I am and what I know to be true.

I've been a volunteer firefighter here for 6 years, serving a protection area of 272 square miles, with a population of roughly 37,000 (the pop. is a guess using the city and surrounding area).  We are best described as a combo department due to the fact that we have 10 full time drivers manning our two full time stations 24/7 and near 80 full time volunteers.  We run (a guess once again, as I am not a numbers guy) roughly 400 calls a year (all fire and/or heavy rescue...EMS is run by the local hospital). 

In my time here I have been a fire Lieutenant, and rescue crew chief...seeing the good the bad and the ugly...and trying to keep the peace at home was sometimes the hardest task.

I just hope I can share what I've learned and know with others...oh...and maybe whine a bit from time to time too

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